Masami Takeuchi - Proffesional Theremin Player, Director of Mandarin Electron

Masami Takeuchi is the foremost theremin player in Japan. He moved to Russia in 1993, where he studied theremin performance under guidance Lydia Kavina, a relative and disciple of Lev
Theremin. He has not only released 3 CDs and played with famous musicians, but also raised public awareness of theremin culture by publishing books about Lev Theremin and teaching the
instrument to more than 800 students. His performance style is quite classical in nature and his intention is to create an exquisite tune from the instrument.
He launched Matryomin, Matryoshika-shaped theremins, in 2003, and set up Matryomin ensembles in order to pursue the potentialities of theremin music. In 2013, 272 players consisting of his
original students and students of his students attempted the GUINNESS World Record by organising a Matryomin ensemble and achieved the record of the “Largest Theremin Ensemble” for the first time
in the world.
Masami Takeuchi plays theremin himself, creates new instruments, and trains his pupils, all of which advance the culture of theremin.
In 2016, he has suffered stroke during a concert appearance. His right side of body is paralyzed. Continue to teach students, He overcomes his own paralysis and aims to revive as a Theremin player.