
The Matryomin is a “one antenna theremin” which is inserted into the Matryoshika figure. The instrument was developed by Japanese thereminist Masami Takeuchi in 2000, and launched in 2003 so as to disseminate theremin performance. The current model is the third generation , and it has sold about 5000 so far. We have a history.
The Matryomin demonstrates the unique possibilities of theremin expression by organising ensembles, although it is a modified version of theremin. Matryomin ensembles make overlayers of sounds with slightly different pitches. The process of creating the complex, powerful sounds by the instrument is similar to that of a choir. In 2013, an ensemble composed of 272 Matryomin players achieved the Guinness World Record entitled the “Largest Theremin Ensemble”.
Two ways to purchase Martryomin
1) eBay
2) Direct from us.
We have many experiences to ship Matryomin from Japan to the world. Price of Matryomin ET Bambina : 40,000JPY(approximately 370USD) + shipping fee.
You can send money via PayPal. We will ship it by EMS.
Please contact us if you have any questions about Matryomin.